Our "baby" Tator Tot is being bred to Topper today! She is growing up so fast! Looking forward to July babies from her!
We are so excited for spring to arrive! Spring means babies and new beginnings! Trixie has almost reached her 100th day of pregnancy, and she is doing really well. She is not real big, and I'm expecting twins out of her, at the most. Precious has recovered completely from her miscarriage, and she really enjoys being milked twice a day. Just about everyone in the family has taken their turn milking her.
Brandon has been working on building a new 12X12 barn for the guineas and peafowl. He is hoping to have it done next week. This new barn will free up alot of space in the big barn, and also give the birds a more permanent home. We should be getting some eggs from the guineas as spring draws nearer. Hoping to hatch some keets very soon! |
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