I took a rear picture of Trixie this afternoon because we noticed a change in her yesterday. She has officially dropped her babies! The change is so dramatic,and especially so when you have pics to prove it!! Her udder is looking really impressive as well! Even with a long ways to go towards full, she looks like she is going to have an amazing rear udder. WE HOPE! Since I posted the pic of our first guinea egg the other day, we have found more! Here is the guinea nest underneath an overturned porch swing. Six eggs and counting!
Spring has sprung, and what a beautiful time of year! We have been busy spring cleaning, stocking hay, and getting ready for BABIES!! Trixie is about one week away from kidding, and we couldn't be more excited! She is slowing down rapidly, and spends most of her day lying down in the pasture. She has a nice little udder forming, and we are so excited for the big day!! I shaved the does a couple of days ago to give them some relief from the unseasonal heat. It's AMAZING how their hair grows through the winter!! I tried to shave the boys down too, but they have SOOOO much undercoat from the winter that I couldn't get through it! It's going to take alot of brushing to be able to get the clippers through that!! At the ponds, we have noticed many many turtles, and also there is a family of muskrats hanging around. It is awesome to walk along the ponds and scare the frogs into the water. We have seen a couple of big bullfrogs and LOTS of babies! We are anxious to find the eggs along the edges. Gotta grow our population!
Speaking of growing populations, we FINALLY found our FIRST guinea egg yesterday. Hopefully they will continue to lay and build a nice nest! Brandon has been busy doing some spring cleaning at Twin Willows. So far he has cleaned out the buck barn and the chicken coop. The barn is next! Have to get ready for our first kids which are due April 1st! The animals are so excited to have their houses cleaned out. It is really amazing how much hay you can layer throughout the winter. We are taking advantage of the "fertilizer" and spreading it in the garden. It's almost time to plant!!
We have added some new hens to our chicken flock. An Araucana and a Buff Orpington have come to live at Twin Willows, and we just bought 6 little barred rock pullets, who are growing in the brooder. In a few short weeks they will be big enough to add to the flock. Soon our egg production will GREATLY increase and we are really looking forward to reaping the rewards! Nothing is better than a homegrown egg! |
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