We picked up two peacocks for our three hens. One is a Black Shoulder, and the other is a Pied India Blue. They are around 5 months old, so both the peacocks and the peahens will grow up together. It will be quite awhile before we see any chicks, but when we do, we are expecting to get the following variations out of the breedings: India Blue, India Blue Pied, Black Shoulder, Whites. Brandon built an awesome temporary cage for them in the barn, and they will stay there through the spring. When the weather breaks, we will build them a more permanent home. I love that the Black Shoulder looks so ugly like a buzzard. It will be amazing to see what this ugly duckling turns into!!
Last night, we brought home three India Blue peafowl. We have done our research, and we are about 95% sure that all three birds are peahens. Brandon has wanted peafowl for a long time, so he is very excited to have these three birds to start his peafowl breeding venture. Now, to find a male!!
Trixie is being bred to Topper RIGHT NOW! If she settles, her kids will be due on April Fool's Day. So great to finally be able to look forward to BABIES!!! Can't wait until Feb 11th and April 1st!! =)
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