Have you reserved your FREE tickets yet? So far we have had great response with 23 tickets already reserved and over 40 people have RSVPed to attend our first annual event! Get your tickets reserved ASAP. Tickets and reminder fliers will be sent out Mid February. Those who bring their tickets to the event will be able to enter our FREE drawings to win special door prizes and products from Twin Willows. See the Open House page for further details and schedule.
Send your family and friends adorable goat postcards! Six postcards featuring some of the kids we bred and raised in 2013. Each postcard features a single baby including Baron von Brio, Betina D'Gatto, Bellissima, Ballerina, Balderdash, and Belle Aire. Proceeds from the sale of these postcards will help to fund the Spring Open House in March 2014!
Visit our storefront to order for only $10.00 Our store is now OPEN! I have added our homemade goat milk lotions and soaps and the Goat Dynasty T-Shirt for starters. I would like to add many more items in the future, so stay tuned for changes. For a limited time, we are offering FREE SHIPPING on all items, so now is the time to stock up for the Holidays! If you have any trouble using the store or cart system, please let me know at [email protected] and I will try to remedy any issues. Happy shopping! Our awesome website editor, Weebly, has announced the option of adding a storefront and shopping cart system! So over the next couple of weeks I will be working on setting this up so that we can offer some items online. Very excited to finally have a good system to get products to our customers and allow us to expand! This past weekend, we worked on building out a new buck pen inside the west half of the barn. We popped a hole in the side of the barn and framed it out so that the four senior bucks, two junior bucks, six wethers and our miniature donkey could get in out of the cold this winter. They have mostly outgrown their shed this year due to the sheer number of stinkers we have, so now they will have the option to either go to their shed, to the playhouse, or come to the barn. Our little jennet, Guinnie, came right in and rolled around on the dirt floor as soon as we opened the pen. Below are some pictures of the progression of the project.
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Twin Willows Herd 24/7 Livestream How to Get Started Raising Goats
by Erica Hopkins $9.99
Paperback or Kindle Reg Price $14.99 Welcome to