We have added a show to our schedule! This Saturday, we will be attending the Northern Indiana Classic Open Dairy Goat Show in Goshen, Indiana. The show starts at 9am and will be held at the Elkhart County Fair. Twin Willows TIO Bellissima It was a last minute decision, but we are excited to get some of our girls back in the ring! We will be showing Airess, Honey, Betina and Bellissima. Come see us and get your goat show fix!
I only have TWO wethers left who are weaned and ready to go! Check the FOR SALE page for details. The next round of wethers will be available to go to their new homes around September, or as soon as they are weaned if you band them yourselves @ 12 weeks. I have been toying with the idea of attending the open doe show in Elkhart next weekend. If all goes well, I'll take Airess to her first ever senior doe show, and I'll bring a couple of juniors from the spring kid crop to get them some more experience in the showring. Remember, animal owners, that it is VERY hot out there. Change waters often, and keep your goats comfortable! It has cooled down a little here today, but it's still pretty miserable. I've been adding some ice to the buckets to keep it cooler for longer periods. The goats seem to enjoy it. This morning I got four little boys banded. They are in the recovery pen and will get extra love and treats for the next day or so. I have a couple that are already spoken for, so if you want some that are weaned, banded and ready to go, contact me SOON!
I also added a cute little countdown clock to our kidding page that counts down the days to our next kidding. Airianna is due in September and Honey is due in November. Reservations are open for Airianna kids, and they will open for Honey as soon as her pregnancy is verified. As soon as the weather breaks (it's 90+ degrees here this week) I'm going to work on getting a couple more juniors bred for the end of the year. Our Spring crop will be bred around the end of August for Jan-Feb babies. Big things are happening at Twin Willows! Have you visited us yet? Our breeding schedule through the end of this year has been updated. This year is a Scorch year, as we are trying to bring heights down and level out and lengthen those rumps. The only doe who will not be bred to Scorch this year is Gypsy Moon Kat von D. Her spring kids out of Gypsy Moon Ain't Misbehavin were absolutely stunning, and so we thought we would try for a repeat of that again. The old adage "when something works, why change it" applies here. I have also updated all pages with show wins, added retained animals, and updated the animals we have for sale. Wethers are going FAST! Come meet them and bring a couple home!
These kids were born July 12, 2013 to Jasper Pine Precious and Jasper Pine TN Top It Off. Ballerina (doe) has been retained to our herd. Bambina (doe) has pending reservations. Lar (buck) is available as an unregistered buckling or a registered wether. Brando (buck) is available as an unregistered buckling or a registered wether.
It's QUADS for Precious and Topper! Two does and two bucks. One doe will be retained. One doe and two bucks will be available pending reservations. If you have a pending reservation on this breeding, you will be contacted in order. These new little ones had names within the first hour of life, but we are not quite ready to announce them. Stay tuned for names and more pictures of these little cuties!
Very proud of our kids for working so hard on their 4H dairy goat projects! Below are some pictures at the fair and the results of the Goat Show which took place today. Ethan Fettig showed Twin Willows TIO Ambrosia Ann 2nd place Senior Yearling Dry Doe, Nigerian Dwarf Cameron Fettig showed Twin Willows TIO Apple Blossom 1st place Senior Yearling Dry Doe, Nigerian Dwarf Grand Champion Nigerian Dwarf Junior Doe Emily Fettig showed Twin Willows SB American Honey 1st place Junior Yearling Dry Doe, Nigerian Dwarf Reserve Grand Champion Nigerian Dwarf Junior Doe Come visit us this week at the Cass County 4H Fair Monday thru Friday. You can find us in the goat/sheep/llama barn on the east side aisle!
These little darlings were born around five o'clock this morning to Gypsy Moon CM Airess E'lan. The buck (black) and doe (broken buckskin) twins are sired by Jasper Pine TN Top It Off. Mom and babies are healthy. The doe is retained, and buckling will be available.
Stay tuned for Precious to kid. Today is day 147 of her pregnancy, and last freshening she kidded on day 148, so she will go anytime. Her kids are also sired by Jasper Pine TN Top It Off. She will DEFINITELY have more than two. =) |
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Twin Willows Herd 24/7 Livestream How to Get Started Raising Goats
by Erica Hopkins $9.99
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