We have added some new hens to our chicken flock. An Araucana and a Buff Orpington have come to live at Twin Willows, and we just bought 6 little barred rock pullets, who are growing in the brooder. In a few short weeks they will be big enough to add to the flock. Soon our egg production will GREATLY increase and we are really looking forward to reaping the rewards! Nothing is better than a homegrown egg!
Brandon has been busy doing some spring cleaning at Twin Willows. So far he has cleaned out the buck barn and the chicken coop. The barn is next! Have to get ready for our first kids which are due April 1st! The animals are so excited to have their houses cleaned out. It is really amazing how much hay you can layer throughout the winter. We are taking advantage of the "fertilizer" and spreading it in the garden. It's almost time to plant!!
We have added some new hens to our chicken flock. An Araucana and a Buff Orpington have come to live at Twin Willows, and we just bought 6 little barred rock pullets, who are growing in the brooder. In a few short weeks they will be big enough to add to the flock. Soon our egg production will GREATLY increase and we are really looking forward to reaping the rewards! Nothing is better than a homegrown egg!
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