We also had some raccoon drama early Wednesday morning. Brandon heard something outside and went out to find six raccoons in the chicken coop. He managed to eliminate five of them, but one ran away. We lost a couple of chickens as well, and last night not a single chicken would stay in the coop. Instead they roosted on fences and inside the barn, and one rooster even slept on the hood of the truck. I guess I would be scared to sleep in the coop too!!
In happier news, we had a visit from brother Jeremy, and his girlfriend, Britni. Jeremy and Britni drove from their homes in Los Angeles and spent several days at the farm with us. Good times were had by all, but it never lasts as long as you want it to. Looking forward to seeing them again very soon.
No goat show this weekend, as we have two birthdays to celebrate and a dance recital to attend. Next show is the Lincoln County Classic in Elnora, Indiana on June 23rd.