Topper is a STAR!! Our buck is the subject of the front cover of Fall 2011 issue of Dwarf Digest, which is a quarterly publication of the NDGA. The pic was taken at Twin Willows Farm by Jeremy W. McCarter. Topper loves to "drive" our Allis Chalmers WD45!! Below is Crunchy (Cinnamon Toast Crunch) and he is our new wether who will be bunking with Topper. Big thank you to Beth Wood @ Wood Bros for allowing us to purchase this little boy as a buddy for Topper. Topper and Crunchy have moved into their new barn and fence where they can run and play and butt heads. Guinevere is making herself at home. She has really been extremely useful in taking our does down further into the pasture where the good browse grows. Until we acquired Guinnie, our does would not venture very far out into the pasture. Guinnie is soooo sweet, and we are going to build a cart soon for her to help with chores. Here is a picture of Guinnie in the pasture near the lower pond. A couple of days ago, a male Black and Tan hound showed up at our farm. He is not a neighborhood dog, and we are looking for his owner. If you have any information, please let me know. Thanks!
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